What Is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is often misunderstood. Most think it is getting advice from an outsider on how to run your life. Life Coaching is NOT getting advice, mentoring, or therapy for your problems. It is a process where you talk to a coach who helps you determine solutions and meet your goals. However, do you need Life Coaching, and can it help You?

A man thinking about changing his life.

Do You Need Life Coaching?

In our society, being a Man is hard. We are blamed for everyone’s problems, are told true success is being wealthy, and are expected to do so without emotion or difficulty. With all these pressures, it is easy to shut down and let distractions take over our lives. I can help you break free from this cycle of pain. To that end, answer the following questions and be honest with yourself:

Are you having trouble making clear, realistic goals for your life?

Do you struggle with meeting obligations on time or even at all?

Do you get distracted easily, especially on electronic devices, to which you get little done?

Do you spend most of your time on non-productive tasks, such as doom scrolling or watching videos?

Have you had difficulty making progress in your career goals?

Are you tired of not making progress to the point you are willing to Pay for Help?

If you answered yes to four of the six questions, you need Coaching, especially if you answered yes to Question 6. This means it is time to Contact me for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your issues.

My Individual Coaching Process

Step 1

Initial Consultation

We begin with a Comprehensive Consultation to understand your challenges and to determine if you are ready for Life Coaching. The Consultation takes around 15 minutes.

Step 2

Free 30 Minute Session

If you are ready for Life Coaching, I will provide the first session for free. During this session, we will discuss your problems and then begin to create a plan to solve them.

Step 3

Weekly Coaching Sessions

Once a plan is in place, we will have weekly Coaching Sessions to keep you on track and combat problems that will get in the way. Change takes time, which is why Coaching is at least a 90-day process.

Life Coaching is a process that takes time and work. It can sometimes be uncomfortable, as change is often met with resistance. However, Life Coaching is NOT therapy, advice, or mentorship. It is a unique relationship in which a Coach helps you achieve your goals by focusing on your strengths.

Life Coaching Specifics

My Life Coaching Sessions are weekly and set on a schedule that works for you. I will set aside time specifically for you each week. Below is a rundown of how Coaching works:

Weekly, 30 Minute Condensed Coaching Sessions Set to Your Schedule.

All Coaching Sessions are Online.

Life Coaching Sessions will Last for at Least 90 Days.

For Men Ages 20+

Progress Depends on YOU, and How Much Effort You Put Into It.

Understand that life Coaching is a commitment. As such, I do not offer refunds for missed Coaching Sessions. However, during 90 days, I will allow the rescheduling of Coaching Sessions twice. Life Coaching is a week-by-week process that cannot be missed.

Misconceptions About Life Coaching

Is Life Coaching the Same as Therapy?

No. Life Coaching focuses on specific problems you choose and is for people without mental illness. It is more focused,  problem-oriented, and does not have the stigma of therapy. 

Does Life Coaching Really Work?

Yes! Life Coaching can be a life-changing process. Life Coaching is for people who are having problems achieving their goals and have reached the pain point of needing to do something about it. 

Do I Need to Have Specific Goals to Start Coaching?

Yes. You need to have a reason for Coaching, a pain point, or a reason to pay a coach to help you overcome your problems. You will discuss specific goals for this with me during the Consultation. 

How Long Does Life Coaching Last?

The minimum is 90 Days. Change is difficult, and there will be resistance and backsliding. You will need to work with a Coach during this to learn how to prevent it, or the process you made will likely be for nothing. 

Is Life Coaching Suitable for Everyone?

No. Life Coaching is for people who have had enough of their problems and are willing to sacrifice their money and time to solve them. If you are not ready to sacrifice, you are unprepared for Coaching, as the changes would be temporary at best.

The Cost of Individual Life Coaching

The Cost for my Individual Life Coaching Program is $3,000. This is for 90 days, with sessions Weekly.

This comes to $250.00 a session for 12 Sessions.

However, I offer a discount if you purchase the Program in Bulk or make Monthly Payments.

Weekly Payments: $250.00 Per Session
Total: $3,000.00.

Monthly Payments: $225.00 Per Session
Total: $2,700.00.

Pay In Bulk: $200.00 Per Session
Total: $2,400.00

Life Coaching often goes past 90 Days, as change takes time. If you purchase the 90 Days in Bulk, I will provide weekly sessions at the reduced rate of $200.00 per Session for as long as you need Coaching. In other words, you do not need to purchase multiple 90-day packages past the first one to get the reduced rate. You can buy a 90 Day Package at any Time to get the Discount.

Why Is Life Coaching Expensive?

If Life Coaching were cheap, you would not value it and would gain nothing from it. Human nature is to put effort and energy into things we value. Cheap or free Coaching would hold no value and become useless to you. You need lasting change; to provide that, you need a process you can value. Value and money are tied together. The more something costs, the more value it holds. You are much more likely to put effort into change if you spend $200.00 weekly. Change requires sacrifice, which for most is money.

Also, I have 16 years of experience helping hundreds of people improve their lives. I have more education, training, and expertise than 98% of Life Coaches. I know my worth and expect to be paid for it. I am bold because I know I can help you if you are ready to commit.

You are worth the investment because this is an investment in your future. Most Americans spend much more than this per year on useless things. It is time to commit to you toward your future and your happiness.


I Will Demonstrate Why Life Coaching Will Work For You!

I do not expect you to spend this kind of money without proof it will work for you. This is why I provide the 15-minute Consultation and then the first Session for Free. The first Coaching session is real, with nothing held back, to show you my worth. However, I will only provide the first coaching session if you demonstrate that you are ready for change. This means having the will, desire, and budget to commit to 90 Days of Coaching.

I do NOT do 1-2 Coaching sessions. I do 90+ days ONLY!

A couple of Coaching Sessions will do you no good! You will begin to make changes but revert to your old habits because you do not have anyone providing accountability. I would hold you accountable and challenge you to push past your bad habits and poor thinking. Coaching takes time, and one or two sessions would be useless.

If you cannot afford coaching now, begin to save money so you can do it in the future. I will be here! In the meantime, you can check out my Group Life Coaching Program to get a head start at a lower cost!

End The Excuses! It Is Time To Commit!

Are you tired of your pain and know it is time to change? You have read about my Coaching Program, so now it is time to schedule your Free 15-Minute Consultation. Click the button below to complete the form.

A man, happy, as he is changing his life via Coaching.